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Frequently Asked Questions

Are background checks required for volunteers with NMLL?

In order to provide a safe environment for all players in North Metro Little League all volunteers (including managers, coaches, assistant coaches, team parents, board of directors, and umpires) are required to complete a background check prior to the start of a season.

At the beginning of each playing season, once the teams have been formed, the League President or Safety Officer will send out an email to all volunteers which will include an online form to be completed.  

For further information on how to fill out the online form once it is emailed to you, see the "Volunteer QuickApp" video at the following link: JDP Little League Background Check

Any questions regarding Little League's policy for maintaining a safe playing environment can be found at the following link: 

How do I find out if games or any other events are postponed or cancelled?

Generally, we will have an updated message by 4:00 p.m. on the Field Directory. If you are planning on a travel game for the day, your coach will communicate any field status issues with you directly.

When do practices and games begin?

Minor, Major, Jr., and Sr. Baseball & Softball

Practices: March Regular Season

Games:  mid-April through third week in June.  

All-Star Tournaments:  mid-July

Practices and games may be any day Mon. – Sat. Days and times determined by coach and field availability.

Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Machine Pitch

Practices: April

Games: May

Practices and games may be any day Mon. – Fri. Days and times determined by coach and field availability.

What are the NMLL boundaries?

See the Boundaries page for further information.

What are acceptable proofs of residency?

Please check the Eligibility page for complete information on proof documents.

Why does Little League have boundaries?

Little League of America regulates each Little League to draw from a population of approximately 20,000 people. These boundaries are designed to prevent local leagues from "stacking" teams and from bringing in hand picked players from other areas. This provides the children from the local leagues area better chances to advance.

What if I don't live in the boundaries of North Metro Little League?

Most likely you will have to participate in another Little League program. You can find out which program you must participate in by contacting a board member. If your child attends a school located within NMLL boundaries, it is possible for them to play with us! Please check the Eligibility page for more info.

How can I help to make NMLL a more successful league?

Since NMLL runs solely by volunteer help, we are in need of assistance in many areas. These areas include coaching, concessions, and team parents. For more information on any of these, check the volunteer tab in your account. For instructions on how to sign up, click here: Volunteer Signup Instructions.

For which division will my child play?

At all levels, North Metro accepts players of all levels of ability. DISCLAIMER: This information on age determination below is only a guide. See the Official Little League Age Calculator to determine which division your child will play.

What are the fees?

See the Registration Page for more info.

Where are the fields located?

See the Fields page for more info. For travel games, this information will come directly from your coach.

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